New Schedule!

So I read this Medium post about how you should get up really early in the morning and work very focused for about 5 ours before doing anything else.

Well - I’m not gonna get up at 5am as the guy who wrote the post does. That’s just not me. But I am gonna get up at before 7am and make sure that I’m ready to work by that time. Why? Because the post outlines a thing, that I’ve been thinking about for a while.

Being focused while working matters. A lot! - Probably Einstein

Anyway. I’m writing this a 12:30 am sooooh, but I promises I will. keep. to. this. schedule.

So without further ado - my day:

  • Before 7am (preferably 6:30am): GET UP. Make some coffee and oatmeal. Sit down at my computer. Contemplate if there’s time. Or meditate.
  • 7am - 11am: Get an overview of what needs to be done. Open my über cool pomodoro timer app and get to work.
  • 11am - 1pm: Lunch and gym (also shower)
  • 1pm - ~5pm: Got more work to do? Go to a café. Order an americano and get going. Also meetings. And catching up with friends family etc.
  • 5pm - ~8pm: Dinner and quality time with the missus or friends.
  • 8pm - ~23am: Got even more work? (really? It won’t be quality at this time, so it better be routine stuff.) Do it! If not: Write blog posts. Watch tv. Have fun. Contemplate.
  • Before 12am: Go to bed already.

So that’s my new day! Not getting up to early. I don’t need the early mornings to have quiet time. I work mostly from home and my girlfriend leaves before 7am anyway, so I have plenty of wiggle room for my brain to operate in. Also blocked out time for not work. This is key to not getting burned out (and keeping my SO). Still on really busy days I have a good 11 hours to work in!

I’ll have more stuff on pomodoro and how this works out for me.